Observations and their locations

PREFIX wbt: <http://biodiversity.wiki.opencura.com/prop/direct/>
   ?s wbt:P8 ?o .

Federated queries

Plot observations based on an NCBI taxon id on Wikidata

PREFIX wbt: <http://biodiversity.wiki.opencura.com/prop/direct/>

SELECT ?observationURL ?observationIRI ?wikidata_item ?location WHERE {
  SERVICE <https://query.wikidata.org/sparql> {
    ?wikidata_item p:P685/psn:P685 <http://purl.uniprot.org/taxonomy/30382> . # Get the wikidata item for the egyptian goose
   ?observationIRI  wbt:P8 ?location ;                                           # Get the location of an observation
                 wbt:P9 ?scientific_name_wb .                                 # Get the scientific name of the observation
   ?scientific_name_wb wbt:P11 ?wikidata_item .                               # get the mapping from Wikidata for the scientific name
  BIND (iri(replace(str(?observationIRI), "entity/", "wiki/Item:")) as ?observationURL)